Bitcoin Vocabulary

For further help ‘decrypting’ the world of cryptocurrency, we encourage you to keep exploring the Cointree Learning Hub. A Bitcoin wallet is loosely the equivalent of a physical wallet on the Bitcoin network. The wallet actually contains your private key(s) which allow you to spend the bitcoins allocated to it in the block chain.

First, it’s not printed by governments or banks, which means that it’s not legal tender. The conversation also goes into the idea of being anonymous on the Bitcoin network. Satoshi talked about the subtle difference between being completely anonymous and using pseudonyms, advising careful thought to prevent unexpected backlash from privacy issues. This forward-thinking is impressive, coming before the rise of blockchain analysis that could later reveal such privacy issues. This discovery was made when Malmi posted 120 pages of their email chats on GitHub on February 23.

Type Checking

Since crypto currencies have been very →bullisch in the last few years, many early adopters have become very wealthy (→Whales). A cold wallet usually means that the →Private key has never come into contact with the Internet. Wallets that are intended for everyday use are called →Hot wallets. Coinbase — The Coinbase is one of the largest crypto → exchanges.

  • AML is short for Anti-Money Laundering and is a common term in the banking industry.
  • GPUs were a common way to mine bitcoins before ASIC chips became the dominant way to mine bitcoin.
  • Nodes store transactions waiting to get into a block in their memory pool (or mempool) after receiving them.
  • In fact, one stock exchange in Chicago has begun trading in Bitcoin futures contracts.
  • An algorithm is a set of specific instructions that can be used to solve a problem, perform a calculation, or complete a task.

As a result the miner who completes/solves this puzzle earns a reward in the form of Bitcoins. Mining requires special computer hardware and electricity to get up and running, and the puzzle difficulty keeps increasing. The process of mining Bitcoin on the blockchain is a way of reaching consensus, i.e. to validate one of the two transactions using cryptographic hashes. Mining — This is a process performed by special nodes on the Bitcoin network called miners.

A-Z of Cryptocurrency Terminology & Vocabulary

Hardware wallet — A hardware wallet is an electronic device that can create and store keys offline →Private . Therefore, unlike paper wallets, they can also be used in everyday life. The two best known hardware wallets are the Trezor and the Ledger Nano S. There are also e.g.

  • Batched transactions are transactions that have multiple outputs in a single transaction to increase efficiency and reduce miner fees.
  • Big Block refers to the increase in the size of the bitcoin blocks to allow for more transactions to be processed per block.
  • The data contained in the Bitcoin block cannot be modified and deleted.
  • Fullnode — Node, which has downloaded and recalculated the whole blockchain.
  • Outstanding transactions get bundled into a block and are verified roughly every ten minutes on average.

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